
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

She Was Conceived in Incest, Should She Have Been Killed in Abortion?

by Monica Kelsey

 On a hot summer day in June of 2008 Kristi Hofferber decided it was time to talk to her adoptive parents about getting information about her birth parents. Kristi never felt the need to step back into her past, and always felt unsettled about it. But on this hot day in June 2008 she decided to go back in time and what she found out about her birth parents has become the biggest shock of her life.

Kristi was adopted at birth into a loving home and was raised in the Lutheran church. She grew up knowing she was adopted and was the only child for this young married couple out of Illinois.  She was never sure why her birthmother placed her up for adoption and was never sure if she ever really wanted to know the reason why.

When Kristi was 13 years old, her adoptive parents read a local newspaper article about a father who had molested his daughter for years and was being charged with rape and molestation of a dependent. The newspaper printed this families name and that’s when Kristis’ parents discovered the truth about Kristis young life. Kristi’s parents were mistakenly given the name of her birth family during the adoption process back in 1978. They decided to keep this information secret until Kristi was old enough to understand and mature enough to handle this kind of information.

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LifeNews Note: Monica Kelsey always knew she was adopted, but it wasn’t until age 37 that she learned the circumstances of her conception. Monica’s birthmother was brutally raped and became pregnant at 17 years old. Even though abortion was illegal in 1972, she sought an abortion to get “her life back.” After being taken to a secretly located abortion facility, Monica’s birthmother had second thoughts because she knew the procedure was illegal. You can follow her journey on facebook at or to book Monica for speaking at your event visit her website at

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