
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Girl Scout Dropout

Post from "Mom on a Mission" blog

 February 16, 2014 | Posted by Jenny Sulpizio

I’ve hesitated in writing this post for a long while. I’ve thought about the backlash I might receive in making this piece available for others to read and/or comment on. I’m also quite aware that what you’re about to glance at? Well, it won’t be deemed popular by our culture’s standards, just as my stance on this particular issue might not be held in high regard either. But after much thought (and prayer), I’ve decided to proceed anyways.

Besides, we’re not supposed to bottle up our emotions, right? When we’re feeling conflicted for whatever reason, we need to share. Well friends (and fellow moms), I’m concerned, bothered and troubled by a specific problem that’s facing our young girls. So much so, that I had to say something. Better yet, I had to do something.

I just can’t pretend it’s not happening anymore.

Warning: many of you may not like what I have to say. Some may not agree with this choice either, but here it goes anyways:

Dear Girl Scouts of America,

I’m saddened to have to write this letter, but there’s an issue that’s been lying on my heart for quite some time that I needed to bring to your attention.

You see, I grew up a Girl Scout. Years ago—at the tender age of six–I donned that Brownie uniform (complete with beanie and sock tassels). I sold cookies (lots of them), played a part in your camps, just as I memorized and took your infamous oath to heart.  I adored being a Girl Scout.

Fast forward thirty years later and I’m the mother of a little girl who followed in my footsteps.  In fact, this mom (yours truly) was overjoyed when her daughter showed interest in joining your group. We looked forward to participating in many of your fun events together. My girl loved it. She wore her badges with pride and beamed with joy after earning each one. She sold cookies door-to-door in the frigid Northwest winter temps. And last year, she bridged from Brownies to Girl Scouts and even earned a service award for her efforts in our community. She pushed herself to do and be more for your organization. She ate it up.

And this is why what I have to tell you is so hard.

That green vest? I’m sorry to say, she won’t be wearing it again. Those patches? She won’t be earning anymore of those either. As for the cookies? It appears we’re done selling (and eating) those too.

That’s right. My girl is dropping out.

I’m writing this letter because after much research, thought, and discussion, it appears your group’s core values no longer match our own. And as a mother who teaches my children to value life, we can’t support groups that don’t.

Now, I am fully aware of what your website states, but the more I investigate? The more I look into these claims? I find  information supporting otherwise. Red flags are being raised and my gut’s telling me something’s not right.  Because when I see a picture at the 54th Commission on the Status of Women, with my daughter’s peers dressed in their Girl Scout green, with the likes of pro-abortion political figures by their side, I can’t help but have questions. I can’t help but wonder what’s not being said–or what’s taking place behind the scenes. And even though support for such groups (Planned Parenthood) is emphatically denied, your actions suggest otherwise.

Please hear my heart because this letter doesn’t have a political agenda. Rather, for me and the daughter I’m raising, it’s about defending our beliefs, taking a stand for what’s right (based upon our faith and personal views), and supporting organizations who do the same.

Other moms may not agree with this choice, just as other little girls might not understand. But mine does.

So, as much as we both hate to say this–we’re done. No more patch ceremonies or cookie sales either.

I’m sorry to say, we’re officially dropping out of Girl Scouts…for good.

Moms–I know this letter and subsequent actions might seem a bit harsh, but I ask that you conduct an investigation of your own by researching the information out there. It’s up to you to uncover what’s going on, and to fully understand what you’re supporting. It’s too important to turn a blind eye to. Further, this was not an easy decision for my daughter and I to make. My girl has a servant’s heart, loved hanging out with girls her age, and truly adored everything about her troop…but after uncovering this information, she was no longer interested in participating. Do your homework, read articles on both sides of the issue, and gather enough material to make your own, educated decision.

Full post with comments can be read at

To find out more on this issue (and others), consider reading the following articles:

1 comment:

  1. God bless you and your daughter for taking a courageous stand. It is unpopular, it is called "mean-spirited" but what you have written is true. That is why I quit being a leader and took my daughters out of Girl Scouts of the USA. Now, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Australian Girl Guides and British Girl Guides have removed God from their Oath and Promise. It is only a matter of time before GSUSA follows them into darkness. You stand on the side of Right and Good.
