
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dear Kinda, Sorta, Maybe Pro-Life Candidates

by Kristi Burton Brown
Live Action News

As another election cycle begins in earnest, some pro-life candidates are playing political games. One common argument making the rounds is that campaigns are not “focused on social issues.” The all-important economy is the focus.

Where does a focus on the economy and a neglect of vital social issues get us? In the past, it’s gotten us slavery and discrimination. It gave Germany the Holocaust. When moral people focus on the economy and put their blinders on for social issues, do we think our opposition ignores the social issues?

No. That’s why slavery continued and the Holocaust began. The opposition doesn’t let up. They don’t ignore social issues for the sake of the economy. They claim their side of the social issues is imperative to the success of the economy. They use pro-lifers’ social issue blindness to advance their own cause. They don’t hold up a white flag and say, “Sure, let’s all just forget about abortion for awhile.” Instead, they laugh at our folly and floor the gas pedal on their own advance.

Kinda, maybe, sorta pro-life candidates are emerging where true leaders once stood. Instead of finding a concise, courageous way to explain their convictions, they deny they ever had them.

“The voters have spoken…the question is settled.”

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 Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom.

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