
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Eric Holder’s Wife, Sharon Malone Holder, Co-Owner of Abortion Facility

Facility Engages in Apparent Non-Legal Abortion Activity

 From Freedom Outpost

While the media and the administration continue to stand by without covering, denouncing or even commenting on the brutal, heinous and disgusting abortionist Kermit Gosnell's murder trial, information has uncovered that Eric Holder's wife, Sharon Malone Holder, a practicing OB/Gyn, co-owns an Atlanta area abortion clinic building with her sister, where an abortion doctor is under indictment for Medicaid fraud.

The Gosnell investigation and trial has further uncovered many other unscrupulous, murderous and law-breaking abortion mills in our nation, and therefore poses an extreme threat to the viscous feminist lie that abortions, when "legal, accessible, government funded and affordable," are also safe.

The administration, along with their Marxist partners in crime in the mainstream media, have been completely silent about the atrocities occurring at the Gosnell "house of horrors", because they are large beneficiaries of the infanticide loving Planned Parenthood, and likewise profit the cause of abortion all the way to the White House.

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