
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Details for Monday's March for Life

Just a few last details:
·         There are several buses with open spots:
o   St. Joseph Fullerton, 4pm, $5 for adults.  Contact Sherrie at or         St. Louis Clarksville, 3:30pm, $5/person ($20 family limit). Contact Sue at
o   Immaculate Conception Towson, 4pm, $15 adults/$5 students. Contact Marci at
·         No sticks or signs with poles will be allowed at Lawyer's Mall
·         Nondenominational Worship Service & Mass begin at 5:15 at St. Mary's Church

In accordance with the posted policy, we respectfully ask that no participants bring graphic images or encourage/invite others to do so - either during the March or at the Mixer afterwards.

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