
Sunday, March 9, 2014

UNITY! Day 5 of the 40 Days for Life Campaign

From Shawn Carney, National Director
40 Days for Life Campaign
One of the joys of 40 Days for Life is seeing so many different Christians united to end abortion. As a Catholic from the bible belt of East Texas, I’ve often seen Evangelical and Protestant Christians on fire to save lives from abortion and help women in need.

During a 40 Days for Life campaign, we see that unity far and wide – whether it’s in a nice, warm church in Florida … or a bitterly cold sidewalk in British Columbia. 

 The unity theme was really evident in Port Charlotte, where I had an opportunity to speak at their kickoff event. People from various faith communities came together to hear inspirational speakers and launch the campaign. The Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical Christians who gathered in a Baptist church were fired up by Katie, the local leader. 

 Katie is a young mother of three. She and her husband, Matthew, are deeply involved at their church … but they stepped up to lead the Port Charlotte 40 Days for Life campaign. After the rally, we went out to visit the abortion facility where the local vigil is being held.

I heard that the abortionist is growing more and more irritated at the peaceful presence. He even stopped at the vigil on his day off to harass the volunteers praying!

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