
Monday, March 31, 2014

End of Life Issues Webcast - Mark Your Calendars for Thursday April 3rd!

From Father Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life
This is your invitation to join me and thousands of other concerned Americans as we discuss the growing threat to our elderly and infirm loved ones.  And quite possibly yourself.

For this reason I urge you to:
Circle Thursday, April 3 on your calendar and join me at 9:00PM EST (8:00 Central, 7:00 Mountain and 6:00 Pacific) for an hour-long discussion on how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from having death imposed upon them by government bureaucrats sitting on an ObamaCare “death panel”, a judge, a hospital board or anyone other than yourself.

Join me and Priests for Life Medical Advisor Dr. Matt Harrison for a special webcast about medical decision-making.

During the hour-long session we will:

1. Talk about what kinds of questions you should ask your doctor and your priest regarding whether or not to begin or continue various kinds of medical treatment for yourself or your loved ones.
2. Lay out some principles and describe the problems and challenges we face in our society.
3. And tell you about a special “Will to Live” kit that Priests for Life will be offering.

Unlike most Webcasts, this one will be PARTICIPANT-DRIVEN!

I say that because I am making myself and Dr. Matt available to answer YOUR QUESTIONS about what kinds of things you should ask your doctor or priest when you or a loved one is faced with difficult medical decision-making.

To register for the April 3 End of Life Webcast:

CLICK HERE to SIGN UP for this much-needed discussion and learn more about the program’s schedule, participants and topics.

Once you’ve registered to join us, we’ll send you the details on how to be in on the discussion; either by phone or on the Internet.

For today ...
... circle Thursday, April 3 on your calendar and make plans NOW to be part of the discussion.
Thank you for joining us and I look forward to speaking with you next Thursday evening.  God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Update from Father Frank:

    I’m very pleased to announce that Bobby Schindler will be joining me this Thursday for an important discussion on “End of Life” issues and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from becoming innocent victims of government “death panels”, hospital boards, judges or anyone other else.

    Bobby Schindler is the brother of Terri Schiavo, and the Founder of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network.

    It was nine years ago today – on March 31, 2005 – that Terri succumbed to the death sentence Judge George W. Greer signed in January 2000 when he ordered her feeding tube be removed.

    At the time, although her brain was damaged from negligence after an as yet unexplained fall in her home, Terri was fully alive and mentally alert. Her faculties were impaired, to be sure. But she was not being kept alive by any machines. She was breathing on her own and aware of all that was going on around her.

    And yet her husband decided her life was of no value and went to court to have her feeding tube removed. In a display of judicial arrogance, Judge Greer agreed.

    For the next five years her family members fought the legal system in an attempt to have that death sentence revoked. In spite of the objections from Terri’s family, the willingness of her parents to take full responsibility for her care, the intervention of Congress, Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the state legislature, Judge Greer thumbed his nose at them all and on March 24, 2005 ordered Terri’s execution by starvation.

    For seven long and very painful days, Terri struggled to hang on to her life. Mercifully, at approximately 9:05 on March 31, Terri died.
