
Monday, March 31, 2014

Social Justice Movement Ought to Recognize Human Rights for Unborn Children

Opinion by Alexa Gospodinoff

The modern social justice movement can be described as a loose union of movements that oppose institutionalized injustice in various forms—racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and many more.

It’s seen as a single movement because all forms of oppression share certain characteristics: most importantly, that they are systems of injustice perpetuated by the entire culture, not merely collections of unrelated incidents. One of these axes of oppression, though not often recognized by the mainstream social justice movement, is adultism—the idea that adults are the “default” human beings, and the less adult-like a person is, the less valid their existence is.

And preborn children are the ones who suffer most acutely from this injustice.

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 LifeNews Note: Alexa Gospodinoff writes for Secular Pro-Life, where this article originally appeared.

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