
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stephanie Gray Of The Canadian Center For Bio-Ethical Reform Wants To Motivate You To Fight Abortion!

Invite her to speak at your church, school, club or group this April!

Stephanie Gray is the charming and charismatic founder and president of the Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR), CBR Maryland's sister chapter up north.  She co-founded CCBR at the age of 20 and has since been one of the most active and outstanding forces for life in Canada. Stephanie has debated both abortionists and pro-abortion advocates, and toured the world educating pro-lifers.  She most recently addressed the 2014 Students for Life of America Conference in Washington, DC.  See her complete bio here.

This April 24th and 25th (Thursday and Friday) our region has the special opportunity of hearing Stephanie speak in person on the subject of anti-abortion activism, the use of victim images and making the case for life in the public arena.  You don't want to miss this chance!

Defend Life is currently booking audiences for Stephanie.  If you want to motivate your pro-life team and give them the tools necessary to become stalwart warriors for life, Stephanie is the woman for the job!

Contact Daria Pharr at to schedule. 

Defend Life was founded in 1987 by Eileen Bolgiano and Jack Ames. It had actually started a year earlier as the Respect Life group at Baltimore's magnificent Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Our goal was to promote the Culture of Life proclaimed so eloquently by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium Vita, the Gospel of Life, while at the same time exposing the evil culture of death exemplified by massive legalized abortion on demand.

It had been 14 years since the Supreme Court had legalized abortion on demand, for any reason at any point in a woman's pregnancy, through its infamous Roe v. Wade decision. Other than an annual pro-life convention, some sidewalk counseling at abortion sites and crisis pregnancy centers, there wasn't a great deal of pro-life activity in our area. We decided an ongoing pro-life lecture series would be a good way to counteract this. Continuously bringing the great names in the prolife movement to speak in Baltimore could only produce good results.

For more information on Defend Life use this link: 

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