
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Turning up the heat at the Maryland March for Life

The weather at this year's Maryland March for Life in Annapolis, MD was bright and relatively warm, perfect for outdoor anti-abortion activism.  CBR Maryland showed up to send two vital messages:

 1) Maryland pro-lifers should embrace victim images and
2) Maryland pro-lifers are capable of much more than we think we are.

 Six volunteers joined CBR Maryland leaders in a Run 2 The Battle project, using large banners and literature to direct the assembled pro-life marchers to our website,, and to greater dedication in the fight to end the scourge of abortion.

Out of concern that graphic victim images may somehow be construed as judgmental, fanatical and mean-spirited, many people avoid them completely.  Even the Roman Catholic Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore oppose their use and sanitize all sponsored pro-life efforts.  Naturally we disagree, and are at pains to prove otherwise.  So our display at the March included signs demonstrating the successful use of victim images throughout history to influence public opinion and end injustice.  

Contrary to the prevailing fear that such images traumatize the young, we watched several families, each with children below four years of age, approach the pictures for closer observation.  Imagine parents actually encouraging the younger generation to study and touch the images of abortion's victims!  Surely such an experience is conducive to impressing children with a healthy respect for life and justice.  Following the march, we even had thepleasure of interviewing a woman who said she had decided not to abort after witnessing a pro-life protest involving graphic victim images.   She may join us for activism in Annapolis in the future.

A bit further on down the street, our Run2TheBattle display served to make pro-lifers re-evaluate their commitment to ending abortion and consider how much more each of us is truly capable of.  Response from the crowd was fairly positive.  Many people observed our messages, read our literature and will hopefully visit to learn more about our position.  More than a few approached us with enthusiasm to thank and encourage us. 

Although such activities cut against the grain of traditional pro-life advocacy, we firmly feel they are essential to long term anti-abortion success.  Even as it stands, the pro-life movement is slowly making progress, but we could accomplish far more with you than we ever can without you.  Please think about this and consider how your life should be different, living as you do in the era of legal child-killing.  Few things are more important than ending this terrible holocaust.  Help us bring that end swiftly!

If you are interested in helping CBR Maryland motivate pro-lifers, educate pro-choicers and end abortion, contact Kurt at

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