
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Houston Planned Parenthood Worker Skirts Fact That Patient is Bleeding Out on 911 Call

By by Lauren Enriquez
Live Action News

Several months ago, a confusing call was placed by a Planned Parenthood worker in Houston to 911 dispatch during complications following an abortion. A 33-year-old woman continued to lose a dangerous amount of blood at the behemoth abortion mill on the Gulf Freeway as Planned Parenthood tried to circumvent the fact that the woman was bleeding out.
It is likely that Planned Parenthood knew that pro-lifers would be pulling the call records to find out what had prompted the ambulance to arrive at Planned Parenthood, and wanted to obfuscate the facts for the public. But in so doing, the worker also confused the dispatcher, and — as Operation Rescue points out — it took over two minutes of precious time in the 33-year-old patient’s life before the dispatcher knew why Planned Parenthood had called.
The bizarre transcript, obtained by Operation Rescue, reads as follows:
Lauren Enriquez has worked for great organizations such as Texas Right to Life and Students for Life of America. She is a graduate of Ave Maria University, where she studied Classics and Theology. Her husband and children are the greatest blessings in her life. 

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