
Saturday, April 5, 2014


Live Action News

1) Murder is illegal.
Murder is the “unlawful killing of a human being” with some level of intent. California law includes “a deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of a fellow creature.”
The only thing preventing abortion from being included in the definition of murder is that it’s currently not “unlawful.” Butbasic science proves that an unborn child is a “human being.” No mention of “personhood” is necessary for basic murder definitions. Killing a “human being” or a “fellow creature,” even, is enough.
Why, as a society, do we pick and choose human beings whom we can deliberately kill? These human beings are fully human, entirely innocent, and helpless and voiceless. Yet we purposely target them, setting very few restrictions on their killings.
Is there any other class of human beings that our society will make it “lawful” to kill? Belgium is already on the path to extending legal murder through its legalization of euthanasia – evenchild euthanasia. History shows that Nazi Germany, once it began to legalize the murder of human beings, simply continued down the path – the elderly, the sick, the disabled, gypsies, homosexuals, the Jews, those who defended the Jews. Where would it have stopped?
This is why abortion must be illegal if murder is illegal. It should never be “lawful” to kill anyinnocent human being.
2) The 14th Amendment was designed to protect classes of people like the unborn.
Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom. 

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