
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In China, If They Are Unable to Pay the Fine for an Illegal Child, The Baby is Aborted or Sold

by Steven Mosher


The Chinese Ministry of State Security must have been asleep on  the job. The email that appeared in my Inbox read: “It is better to be a criminal in China than a pregnant mother.”
Now, I knew that women who get pregnant outside the state plan are often browbeaten or bullied into abortions and sterilizations. But, as my mysterious correspondent noted, there are a whole range of other punishments for violators, who are treated worse than criminals.
First, she said, if you’ve had a child outside the plan, very few people will hire you. Most “work units” (i.e., businesses) require applicants to submit their “Family Planning Certificates” to prove that they have not had an “illegal” child.

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