
Saturday, April 5, 2014


From KeepLifeLegal

Justice Kennedy asked what rights would women have if their employers ordered them to wear burkas, a full-length robe commonly worn by conservative Islamic women
Not that there is enough entitlements already, but according to the pro-abort hags [yes I said hags] Christians are supposed to GLADLY give away our rights of free speech and freedom of religion to a higher cause – women trying to act like men.
So I give up God for someone to have sex and abortion on my dime?
NEVER has anyone from the pro-life side gone into the bedrooms and vaginas of ANYONE; you can put those lovely signs away. You all did that to yourselves in 1973; you can thank the government for all of their hard work to assure a woman’s freedom to give herself away and IN RETURN they get what??? Tell me pro-abort, what exactly do YOU get…you know, besides STD’s, a lousy reputation, and being nearly unmarriable, etc? No please…..don’t thank me…..thank the government to think so low of you to throw you out like trash rather than instill the true legacy that women should be…WOMEN, not a man in training.

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