
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Two Teenagers Who Survived Failed Abortions Speak Out

by Christina Martin
LIve Action News

In 2012 the movie October Baby was seen on big screens across America. The story of a girl named Hannah who discovered her life long medical conditions were linked to surviving a failed abortion was an eye opening hit. The story was based on the life of Gianna Jessen, a pro-life speaker whose cerebral palsy came as a result of surviving a late term saline injection abortion. Audiences found the film compelling because many had never heard the story of an abortion survivor. In our country we hear stories from women who’ve chosen abortion, men who’ve paid for it and doctor’s who’ve performed them. Rarely do we hear the true stories from the children who survived death by miraculous intervention.
The Abortion Survivors Network tells the stories of children who made it out alive. Take Courtney’s story for example. She writes:

‘My name is Courtney. I’m sixteen years young. When I was 14, I was told that I am adopted. When I was 14, I also learned that there was much more to the story of my life. Not only am I adopted, but I am an abortion survivor. When my birth mother was somewhere around 7 weeks pregnant, she had an abortion. Five weeks or so later, she went for a post-op checkup, and it was discovered that I was there in the womb. She didn’t know that she was pregnant with twins when she had the abortion.’

Christina Martin has been a pro-life voice for eight years. Her work began after her mother confessed she paid a doctor to abort her, but walked out before he could. Knowing she was saved from death, she wanted to fight for others. After graduating college in 2005, Christina spent 2 years at the Justice House of Prayer in D.C praying at the Supreme Court daily for the ending of abortion. Then 3 years with the Atlanta chapter of the international grassroots pro-life movement Bound4Life. Christina seeks to love Jesus in word and deed. She has a burden for the black community and longs to see them free from the genocide of abortion.

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