
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Novena for Religious Freedom begins Today, April 30, 2014

From Father Frank Pavone
Priests for Life

Cardinal Dolan is absolutely right.

Which is why Priests for Life was one of the very first to file a lawsuit against the unjust abortion mandate of ObamaCare.  That was in February 2012.

We’ve been fighting to protect your First Amendment right to freedom of religion for over two years.

And on Thursday May 8 the attorneys representing Priests for Life – as well as you and all Americans – will make oral arguments before the three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Previously I’ve told you that the judges selected to hear our case were changed at the last minute.  Two of them are Obama appointees. Our attorneys need to convince them to side with Priests for Life and the Constitution and against the government and its abortion mandate.

That being the case, I am calling on you to storm heaven with your prayers.

To do so, click here and join with the Priests for Life family and the People of Life as we make a Novena for Religious Freedom and ask God to pour His grace and light into the judges who will hear our case.

Beginning today and continuing for the next nine days, please say the Novena prayers.

If possible, I ask that you fast as well.  I’m doing this because of what Our Lord told the Apostles when they asked why they were unable to drive the devil from the possessed boy while He was on Mt. Tabor at the Transfiguration.  He told them simply that some devils ...

“... can be cast out only by prayer and fasting.”

Recognizing this, I ask you to pray and fast beginning today and continuing until Thursday, May 8.

And if at all possible:

Please Click Here and make as large a contribution as you can to the Priests for Life Legal Fund so that we will be able to sustain our lawsuit in defense of religious freedom throughout the Appeals process ...  and all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Our lawsuit is to religious organizations what the Hobby Lobby lawsuit is to private businesses.

So much so, in fact, that I took part in the rally outside the Supreme Court building this past March 25 in support of Hobby Lobby’s lawsuit against the HHS mandate that is out to force the Green family to violate their consciences and take part in the killing of our unborn brothers and sisters.

Yesterday David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby, connected with me by phone and expressed his solidarity with Priests for Life and the other the religious, non-profit groups who, like Hobby Lobby, are challenging the HHS Mandate.  Mr. Green released the following statement:

“The religious freedom of believers of all denominations is under attack.  Our family therefore joins in prayerful support of the Priests for Life case against the HHS mandate.  As our Hobby Lobby case represents the concerns of businesses, so the Priests for Life case represents the concerns of the religious non-profit groups. Together, we stand against this injustice, and for the law of God.”

I am extremely grateful to Mr. Green and his family for both their courage to fight the government and for their support of Priests for Life.  Both of us are fighting for the freedom of religion guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

As Americans, we have to stand together to protect our freedoms.

If you can join us outside the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Washington, D.C. on the morning of May 8 as we rally for religious freedom, please do. The Rally will take place from 9 to 11am.

Joining us to pray and address the gathering will be several members of Congress, numerous national pro-life and pro-family leaders (including Carol Tobias, President of National Right to Life, and Jeanne Monahan, President of the March for Life) as well as the Priests for Life pastoral team – including myself, Dr. Alveda King, Father Victor Salomon and Bryan Kemper. Also joining us to say a word will be Josh Duggar -- of the famous Duggar Family. Josh now serves at Family Research Council (FRC Action).

Right now, though, I’m urging you to join us in prayer. 

For more information on the rally and our Priests for Life lawsuit, visit

On social media, use hashtag #IStandWithPFL.

Remember: We’re all in this together! Pope Emeritus Benedict rightly calls religious liberty the “most cherished of America’s freedoms.” For the sake of our unborn brothers and sisters, the pro-life movement, our fellow Americans and all who are to come after us ... We must protect and defend our First Amendment right to FREEDOM OF RELIGION!

Thank you for your prayers and your financial gift.  And know that in heartfelt appreciation for all that you do for the youngest members of our human family, I remember you at every Mass I offer; as do all the priests of Priests for Life.  May God bless you.

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