
Wednesday, April 30, 2014


By Judie Brown
American Life League

With May—a month known primarily for Mother’s Day—approaching, we cannot help but think of our relationships with our mothers. And, likewise, mothers cannot help but think of their own kids. Yet, in this age of “It is what it is,” not all women are equally enamored by the idea of bearing and raising children, and some are downright disgusted with the idea. 
Take the case of the writer Amanda Marcotte, who has been known to rail against pro-lifers at the drop of a hat and who feels equally as strongly about mothers having the right to abort. Marcotte writes, “What she [the woman] wants trumps the non-existent desires of a mindless pre-person that is so small it can be removed in about two minutes during an outpatient procedure. Your cavities fight harder to stay in place.” 
Yes, Marcotte did just compare a living baby to a hole in a tooth. And, for the record, Marcotte has no children.
But there is another aspect to her philosophy that brings us to the subject of this commentary—the birth control pill. Marcotte wants all birth control pills sold over the counter. Her skewed reasoning is this: “As pro-choicers, we need to adhere closely to the principle of supporting a woman’s right to the ultimate authority over her own health care. If birth control pills are safe enough to be sold OTC, then it’s up to a woman to decide if she wants a doctor’s supervision to take them, just as we allow individuals to make that determination with other drugs, like allergy medications or pain killers.”
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