
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pennsylvania H.B. 1762, Admitting Privileges Legislation

We have a chance to pass this pro-life bill THIS SESSION. But, your help is needed. 


  from Ted Meehan
Currently, the Judiciary Chair has indicated that he intends to run this bill in his committee in "late May or early June". Every rep I have spoken to about it has no opposition to it, and says that they are inclined to support it, and will co-sponsor once they review it. 

I believe that if we get over 100 co-sponsors, we can push for the bill to be voted upon sooner. On April 29, Planned Parenthood is bringing busloads of pro-aborts to Harrisburg to lobby against this bill, and for more Family Planning (subsidized contraceptives) money. Elected officials get nervous when things like that happen, and so I believe our best chance of quick passage is to get more than 100 co-sponsors - ASAP. 
Estimates are that between 130 and 160 of our elected reps identify themselves as "pro-life". But its easy to say that, and meaningless from a legislative perspective. When there is a vote, that's when reps establish their credentials. We NEED a vote. And, we must lean on every "pro-life" rep to co-sponsor. 

There are already 26 co-sponsors, and several more have indicated their intention of adding their names onto the bill. To get to the target number of 100+, we need every section of the state to prevail upon their local reps to co-sponsor HB 1762 - NOWUse this link to view H.B. 1762 and this link to read previous article on this bill.

If each person got six co-sponsors we would have 78 more sponsors - or 104. It is not hard to get this done, but it does take a commitment - and a pledge to see these reps face-to-face. Some of you may be able to call them directly, and some may be able to recruit a few people to visit them in their district. 

Whatever it takes, lets get this done ASAP, and then begin pushing to get this bill before the full house.

Use this link to find your Legislator and their contact Information

Ted Meehan is a long time pro-live advocate from the greater Philadelphia area.

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