
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PROOF That Prayers at the Abortion Clinic REALLY WORK

From Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League


I'd like to share a moving story that powerfully illustrates everything the Pro-Life Action League stands for -- and why your prayers and support for the League matter so much.

This is a story STRAIGHT from the front lines.

It happened to an activist named Linda at Planned Parenthood's huge "Abortion Fortress" in Aurora, Illinois. The League has led the effort to save babies there -- and shut it down in court -- since 2007.

Here's what happened, in Linda's own words:

That day a young man drove by, stopped, and motioned me over. He has seen those praying daily as he passes by. He told me that seeing people pray "gave me the strength to fight for my baby."

His pregnant girlfriend wanted an abortion, but Dad fought for his baby and on the previous Saturday, the "happiest day of my life," his son was born.

His words over and over to me were, "Do not think that you are unnoticed!"

Linda was ECSTATIC at what this man had told her. She's been out there praying at Planned Parenthood for SIX YEARS, as have so many others. Little did they know that, week by week, this man was driving by and seeing them, taking it all in. And then, when the critical moment came, he remembered their witness and fought for his unborn baby!

What's interesting about this story is that this new father had no direct contact with anyone in the pro life movement. He and his girlfriend never talked to a sidewalk counselor. They never visited a pro-life pregnancy center.

All that happened was that this father saw people PRAYING outside an abortion clinic, day after day. That witness was enough to inspire him to fight for his baby's life.

Linda and all those others wouldn't have been out there praying all those countless hours if the Pro-Life Action League hadn't recruited and equipped them for this pro-life mission.

But the League can't deploy these life-saving prayer warriors without the generous support of faithful pro-lifers like YOU.

That's why I wanted to take a moment out of my busy day to share this inspiring story with you.

Remember the words that young father said to Linda: "Do not think that you are unnoticed!" My message to you is, do not think your support for the Pro-Life Action League doesn't matter.

If you're inspired by this father's story of fighting to save his son from abortion, please follow the link below to keep the Pro-Life Action League's public pro-life witness going strong:

Through prayer vigils outside abortion facilities and sidewalk counseling, we reach out to abortion-bound women and couples with abortion alternatives, confidential counseling, access to pregnancy resources and other help, and witness to the value of the lives being destroyed inside.

We believe sidewalk counseling is the most important pro-life work God has given us to do. Praying outside abortion clinics is the first step in becoming directly involved fighting abortion.

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