
Friday, April 25, 2014

Understanding Taxpayer Funding of Abortion in ObamaCare

By Kristi Burton Brown
for Live Action News

Since ObamaCare was first proposed, Americans have been in danger of funding thousands more abortions every year. And now, a detailed list created by the Susan B. Anthony List describes how, under the gargantuan mess that is ObamaCare, “as many as 111,500 additional abortions per year could be heavily subsidized by taxpayers.” This, despite the recent reminder provided by a CNN poll that the majority of Americans have always opposed taxpayer-funded abortions.

The SBA List reports that subsidies are one main way that ObamaCare forces taxpayers to fund others’ elective abortions. In twenty-six states, “refundable advanceable ‘affordability’ tax credits” will “heavily subsidize the purchase of insurance plans that cover elective abortion.” These twenty-six states have not removed elective abortion coverage from their insurance exchanges – thus forcing taxpayers to fund the coverage. SBA List explains that the taxpayer funding “may reach as high as 100 percent of the premium. Such a massive subsidy to buy elective abortion coverage has never before been available to the public and it represents an imposition on all U.S. taxpayers.”

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Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom. She enjoys being a stay-at-home mom, and is married to the amazing David Brown. Together, they have the cutest two kiddos in the world! Kristi loves her Savior, Jesus Christ, speaking out for the truth, reading historical fiction, scrapbooking, politics, and cooking. 

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