
Monday, April 28, 2014


From KeepLifeLegal

Yes, it’s true: Abortion has always murdered unborn babies regardless of how the Liberal Agenda and Abortion Agenda try to deny it. ‘Reproductive Freedom’ would lend one to believe that means TO REproduce, not DEproduce. It’s been a lie from the onset, a twist of words to confuse rather than define.
Case in point: The pioneer of the partial-birth abortion, Martin Haskell, retains attorneys Jennifer Branch and Alphonse Gerhardstein, who make their living defending abortionists and call it ‘reproductive freedom’. Read their ‘mission’ statement here.
Ohio Department of Health shut him down, Haskell appealed using Gerhardstein and Branch. And during his appeals process, a stay of execution granted was by Judge Metz, Haskell can ‘do business’,MURDER, until that process concludes.  I have to wonder if everyone else should have the luxury of ‘doing business’ while in appeals, such as serial killers, pedophiles, prostitutes, drug lords, rapists, and thieves? Why shouldn’t they be able to continue to ‘do business’ since the stay essentially says that it isn’t illegal…YET. It’s very apparent that this is political, not rational OR legal.

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