
Monday, April 28, 2014

Women Hospitalized After Abortions In Staggering Numbers

There is fresh evidence that states need to pass laws to govern standards for abortion facilities and abortionists


Operation Rescue obtained copies of a 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Texas' landmark abortion legislation, as Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger tells OneNewsNow.

“In the process, the decision discussed some of the testimonies and some of the facts related to abortion in Texas, and one thing that caught our eye was a statement saying that Planned Parenthood conceded that at least 210 women annually must be hospitalized after seeking an abortion,” she says.

Operation Rescue crunched the numbers on other data in the ruling and found that closer to 1,000 women per year are hospitalized in Texas after abortions. Sullenger says that's an astounding figure.

“That's a number that we should take every opportunity to diminish,” she says. “And so we're calling on states across America to pass these laws that require hospital privileges, because that helps weed out abortionists who are incompetent and shouldn't be practicing anyway.”

But some of the information on clinics and abortionists in Texas is over three decades old, meaning abortionists have been held unaccountable for many years. Applying the same information to other states, the number of hospitalizations is believed to be even more overwhelming. 

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