
Monday, April 28, 2014

Summary of Known Health-Risks of Abortion

How Abortion Harms Women and
Why Concerns for Women’s Health Must be Part of Abortion-related Policies and Media Debate

From Americans United for Life

The grisly trial of now-convicted murderer Dr. Kermit Gosnell brought national attention to the deplorable conditions in America’s “legal” abortion industry. Gosnell’s trial showed that abortion carries inherent risks to women, whether it is performed at a clinic like his, or not.
In an increasingly health-conscious society, why does abortion lack a “warning label?” Numerous, welldocumented studies in peer-reviewed medical journals demonstrate that abortion poses significant medical risks for women.
The health risks of abortion undermine the false narrative promoted by the abortion industry, namely that the abortion debate requires choosing sides between mothers and their unborn children. The truth is that regulating abortion benefits both mothers and children – even their children in future pregnancies.
Women and girls deserve to know the facts about abortion. Information is the lynchpin of true “choice.” Consider the following:

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