
Wednesday, May 21, 2014


By Patti Maguire Armstrong
for Catholic Stand

Recently, after successfully getting through airport security, I began to reassemble my luggage and myself. I overheard the man behind me apologize. “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought containers could be 4 ounces.”
“No, sir, it’s 3.5 ounces.” I watched a TSA agent confiscate the offending items in the quest for safer skies. I did not feel safer knowing there would be less liquid aboard. Instead, I felt like a criminal. In my luggage were several 4-ounce containers. And I didn’t care. If I had to be on the other side of the law to get my sunscreen and conditioner on the plane, then so be it. They had missed their chance to catch me and I was not about to turn myself in.
The world feels off-kilter these days. I know the government and airlines just want the skies to be safe from explosives, although I question the danger a few more ounces of mouthwash or peanut butter (they caught me with an unopened jar of peanut butter on my return flight) might cause. I am not in charge, however; I just need to go along.
I am also not in charge at Home and Garden Television (HGTV) where the show “Flip It Forward” was canceled before it even premiered, because twin brothers, Jason and David Benham , had publically expressed their view that marriage should be between a man and a woman. The Christian twins have successfully flipped houses over the past decade, and were halfway through filming the do-it-yourself series when the network caught wind of their views. “We love all people. I love homosexuals. I love Islam, Muslims, and my brother and I would never discriminate. Never have we — never would we,” David Benham said during a CNN interview. He added that he had never spoken against homosexuals and pointed out that there is an agenda to silence people of faith. Of that there is no doubt. Love is not enough these days. Embracing every lifestyle is expected lest one be labeled a bigot.
Patti Maguire Armstrong and her husband have ten children. She is an award-winning author and was managing editor and co-author of Ascension Press’s Amazing Grace Series.

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