
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Abortion Backers Want to Turn the Clock Back on Patient Safety

Note:  This article appeared in National Right to Life News Today on May 9th
By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director,
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
The abortion industry and its apologists want to turn the clock back on patient safety.

Witness the desperate rhetoric of pro-abortion Congressional candidate Marjorie Margolies, who is perhaps better known now as Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law.
Margolies has decided to make an issue of opponent Brendan Boyle’s vote in favor of our common sense Pennsylvania law requiring abortion facilities to abide by the safety standards of outpatient surgery centers.  Boyle is no pro-lifer–in fact he is running ads saying he will stand up for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation.
But in Abortion World, even the most basic safety requirement is considered an attack on Planned Parenthood, which performs more abortions than any other single entity in the U.S.
The Times Herald newspaper quoted Margolies as saying, “My message to Brendan Boyle today is perfectly clear, you had your chance to stand with women, to take on Pennsylvania’s Pro-Life Federation and you stood with them, not with us. Having been a member of Congress, I can tell you that Brendan Boyle is on the wrong side of this issue.”

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