
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pro-Life Updates from Waco, Texas

Pro-Life Waco-local activism
for the Gospel of Life

From John Pisciotta, Director 
Pro-Life Waco

1. Joe Pojman (TX Alliance for Life) speaks in Waco, Wed, May 21

2. Pill Kills national event, Saturday, June 7. Waco is on board.
3. Lutheran Missouri Synod goes with AHG over Girl Scouts
4. Outreach at Waco Planned Parenthood
5. Life Chain in Waco Sunday, June 1

1. Joe Pojman (TX Alliance for Life) in Waco, Wed, May 21
On Wednesday, May 21, Dr. Joe Pojman, Director of Texas Alliance for Life, will speak at a noon-hour luncheon on where we stand in Texas with the historic pro-life legislation of 2013 and our Texas legislative agenda for 2015. (Ret-Kat building @5034 Franklin Avenue.) With court challenges still “out there” and abortion facilities closing, these are such timely topics. The event is sponsored by the Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men and is open to men AND WOMEN. Chef Giovanni will provide a meatball sandwich meal with fixin’s. The meal is served for a free will offering. It is always great to have Dr. Joe Pojman with us in Waco. He is so generous with his time. I hope to dine, learn, and get ready for legislative battles with you this Wednesday.
2. Pill Kills national event, Saturday, June 7. Waco is on board.
Waco will be one of over 50 cities with a Pill Kills event. Your organization and city still has time to be included. Our event in Waco will be at the time and place of our monthly Life Chain: 2-3 p.m. at intersection of Valley Mills Drive and Waco Drive. We will educate on how “the pill” can kill very young human embryos and how the pill can kill and harm women.

In 2004, Pro-Life Wisconsin sponsored the first public vigil denouncing the Griswold decision, which opened the contraception floodgates in America. Inspired by Pro-Life Wisconsin, in 2008 American Life League and Stop Planned Parenthood International launched the first nationwide “The Pill Kills Day,” with grassroots activists bringing the truth about the pill to Americans across the nation. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow vehemently attacked the campaign on multiple occasions, while talk show host Ricki Lake expressed her agreement with The Pill Kills via Twitter saying, “We’ve seen too many deaths from birth control pills.”

Go to to learn more. Perhaps you are ambivalent about chemical contraception. Take this opportunity to learn more about the health impact on women and the abortifacient impact.

3. Lutheran Missouri Synod goes with AHG over Girl Scouts
Because of Cookiecott 2014 and other concerns raised about today’s Girl Scouts, church, dioceses, and denominations are taking a close look at any partnering with Girl Scouts. The Lutheran Missouri Synod has made a formal decision to fully switch over American Heritage Girls for scouting for their daughters. While Girl Scouts is a secular organization, AHG is explicitly Christian. See the Missouri Synod statement here:
4. Outreach at Waco Planned Parenthood
We continue to witness at Planned Parenthood (1121 Ross Avenue) for a time of prayer and sidewalk counseling each Tuesday from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Please try to get out there and join your pro-life brothers and sisters. Planned Parenthood in Waco has suspended chemical and surgical abortion. However, they still market abortions to women and promote pernicious pills and promiscuity.
5. Life Chain in Waco Sunday, June 1
Our next Life Chain is the First Sunday of June—June 1. That means Life Chain at the intersection of Valley Mills and Waco Drive. We meet in the parking lot near Pei Wei restaurant. We are out there “broadcasting Pro-Life messages from 2 to 3 p.m. Please join if at all possible. I also encourage you to ask the leader of your church youth group to come out on this Life Chain Sunday or perhaps another month.

For more information on these events, contact John at

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