
Thursday, May 1, 2014


From Father Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life

Even as you read this, the villainous abortionist Martin Haskell is operating illegal abortion mills in Ohio under the full protection of Judge Jerome Metz.

Priests for Life is working to put a stop to this travesty of justice but we can’t do it without your help.

Here’s what I’m counting on you to do:

1. CLICK HERE and SIGN the message urging the Ohio Department of Health to appeal Judge Metz’s ruling and close Martin Haskell’s abortion mills in Cincinnati and Dayton.

2. Call the Ohio Department of Health and tell them“I respectfully urge the Ohio Department of Health to appeal the decision of Judge Jerome Metz that is allowing Martin Haskell to continue operating his Women’s Medical Centers in Cincinnati and Dayton.”  Here’s the phone number: 614 – 466 – 3543.  Be polite but firm!

3. Click here  and support Priests for Life’s nationwide campaign to shut down America’s unsafe abortion mills with a contribution for as much as you can make today!

Make no mistake:
Women are dying in so-called “safe” abortions because pro-abortion apologists lied to them and told them abortion is safe.

One young 22-year-old mother was just murdered in a Cleveland abortion mill.

But few Americans know this because “Big Media” refuses to report on the crimes of violence which the abortion industry inflicts on mothers and babies.  We had to drag them kicking and screaming to the trial of convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell.  Even then news coverage lasted a very short time.

Which is why it is so terribly important that you and I and all the People of Life make our voices heard today!

Otherwise more unsuspecting women – not to mention their innocent babies – will die as a direct result of abortion.

For years now you’ve helped Priests for Life proclaim the truth that abortion is never a “safe” procedure.  It’s not safe for the women who enter America’s unregulated abortion mills.  And it’s certainly not safe for their babies.

Everyone in the abortion industry knows this.  And yet they accuse those of us in the pro-life movement of conducting a “War on Women.”  But they’re the ones killing America’s women.

And those in government and in control of America’s news rooms know it.

But when abortion is the cause of death, there’s a conspiracy of silence to keep the story under wraps.  Many in the news media ignore what happened.  Health officials distort death certificates in order to hide the truth that abortion was the cause of death.  Lawmakers are curiously silent about the need to enact laws protecting women.  And judges like Jerome Metz corrupt the law and use it to protect the killers.

As a result, abortion mills continue to be, as they were from the start, the most dangerous, unregulated, and unscrupulous “medical” facilities in the nation!

I know this because of Priests for Life’s work with Life Dynamics in producing Lime 5, the book that exposed the seemingly endless cases of malpractice, abuse, mistreatment, and murder of women who go to these so-called “safe” clinics.

Another book that reveals how abortion harms women is Janet Morana’s Recall Abortion.

In addition to being Priests for Life’s Executive Director, Janet is the Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.  In both capacities, Janet has met with and spoken to thousands of women who’ve been brutalized and maimed from abortion.  Recall Abortion is their first-hand accounts that shine the light of truth on the tragic abuse of women that’s being perpetrated inside America’s abortuaries.

Filled with real-life testimonies, Recall Abortion refutes the lies told by the abortion industry and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.  As Janet shows:
Abortion is a harmful product that kills women and their children.  It needs to be recalled before one more mother exercises her freedom of choice and dies in the process.

Knowing this, I’m collaborating with other pro-life leaders to galvanize the People of Life into a powerful force that will rein in America’s out-of-control and unsafe abortion mills.  We’re working especially close with Troy Newman and Operation Rescue on this.

You can click here to read a special note that Troy’s written to you and other pro-life activists.

Priests for Life and Operation Rescue are waging this fight because it’s time for the killing to stop and the lie to be exposed.  It’s time to tell America:

Abortion is not safe and abortion mills are not helping women.

Please join your fellow Priests for Life family members and support this nationwide campaign to proclaim that truth and demand action from state officials who are responsible for protecting women and the youngest members of our human family.

Take a moment right now to:
  •  Sign the message to the Ohio Department of Health.
  •  Call the Ohio Department of Health and demand action.
  •  make a contribution to help support this urgent and important campaign!

Your dollars will allow us to coordinate with Troy and bring about the closing of every unsafe abortion mill in the country!

There are many other abortuaries that are just as horrific as was Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” in Philadelphia.

Two of the worst are Martin Haskell’s Women’s Medical Centers.  If Haskell’s name sounds familiar to you it’s because Haskell is the butcher whose medical paper brought “partial birth abortion” to light and trained other abortionists how to use this grisly procedure to torture and kill babies in the very process of delivery.

Operation Rescue has documented one botched abortion after another at his clinics and has evidence that Haskell is killing babies and mangling women!  As Troy noted in a recent email:

“Haskell could be the foremost late-term abortionist in the entire country!”

And in spite of the fact that Mr. Haskell operates his abortuary in obvious violation of an Ohio law that requires abortion clinics to maintain transfer agreements with local hospitals for cases of medical emergencies, Judge Metz is allowing him to continue his deadly assault on innocent babies and unsuspecting mothers.

Not surprisingly, Ohio’s legal system is protecting Martin Haskell and putting women at risk!

There are countless numbers of clinics all across the country that are as dangerous for women as the Women’s Medical Center.  They all need to be shut down.

But that won’t be easy.  Not only are morally corrupt judges protecting abortionists like Martin Haskell, but so are state legislators and officials.  In New York state, for example, state workers refuse to inspect abortion clinics.  Negligence like this is happening in many states.  It was Pennsylvania’s refusal to make routine inspections allowed Kermit Gosnell to operate his “House of Horrors.”

How many women will die as a result of New York’s complicity with the abortion industry?

For all these reasons and more, Priests for Life is going all out to shut down as many abortion mills as we possibly can!

We’re also urging health officials in Maryland to close late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s Germantown Reproductive Health Services.  Over the past 13 months four women at his clinic have been rushed to hospitals ... one of whom died!

Other states where we’re actively working to shut down clinics are:

•And Florida

So far in 2014, seven surgical abortion clinics in four states have announced they were closing their doors.

That follows a highly successful 2013 in which a record 87 surgical abortion clinics and 6 abortion pill-only clinics closed.

You played a key role in shutting down those clinics through your support of Priests for Life.
And because you did, I’m counting on you to:

• STAY ACTIVELY INVOLVED in this project and take the actions I’m asking you to do today.

• Continue to PRAY for our shared mission here at Priests for Life.

• And maintain your FINANCIAL SUPPORT by  making as large a contribution as you can to Priests for Life.Please continue to be as generous with your time, your prayers and your dollars as you have been since you joined the Priests for Life family.

Working together we will move America one step closer to ending the scourge of legalized abortion-on-demand.

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