
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

CrMS + NaPro Technology = Prescription for Marital Bliss

A true revealing story:
Our journey with the Creighton Model FertilityCare System & NaProTechnology has been a tremendous blessing in so many ways! Matt, my husband, and heard about Creighton in our PreCana marriage prep class back in 2007. When we got married we initially started using another form of NFP, the Sympothermal Method.  I had always had very irregular cycles since I was a teenager and was placed on birth control pills without ever getting to the root cause of the problem, even when I asked my previous OB/GYN several times to figure out the cause.However, when I stopped the pills and started charting, I had only one cycle and then nothing for 6 months. We were very distraught and wondered if we would be able to conceive.
We knew another couple using Creighton and were aware of its medical applications [NaPro Technology] to diagnose and treat reproductive problems. By working with my FertilityCare Practitioner [FCP], Marcia Niznan, we learned the method. After several months of charting met with a doctor  trained in Creighton, Dr. Eleanor Tiongson. Matt and I knew right away that this was the best decision ever. They took ample time to look at what was going on with me individually, and we received very personalized care. Dr. Tiongson was able to make a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [PCOS] and low progesterone levels based on my chart and lab work timed strategically with the charting. I began the prescribed treatment. It was such a relief to finally have an answer to what the problem was! It took some time, but with treatment I began to have cycles again and ovulate. I also had a series of ultrasounds with Dr. Golden-Tevald to assess ovulation and much other valuable information.     
Through using the Creighton & NaProTechnology, we were very blessed to have our 3 beautiful children-- our daughters ages 4 and 2, and a baby boy 3 months l old! Dr Tiongson continued to monitor my progesterone levels during all pregnancies, and when it was low I was treated with progesterone according to the protocol. Those we worked with not only provided teaching, diagnosis and high effective medical treatments, but also a great deal of emotional and spiritual support during our journey.  We will truly be forever grateful to them!!!  
During the past 7 years, Matt and I have used Creighton to avoid pregnancy [when my hormone levels were abnormal to avoid increased risk of miscarriage] and achieve pregnancy. Also during the  times of breastfeeding, I continued to chart and could assess the possible return of fertility even before resuming cycles - amazing!  I feel I understand so much more about my health and fertility, and this knowledge has led us to appreciate and be extremely grateful for the miracle of fertility and life. The benefits to our marriage also include improved communication and increased respect  for each other. 
It is frustrating that very often with the conventional approach to women's health, the time and energy are not spent to make an individual diagnosis for a person or couple, and many doctors are quick to offer birth control pills to mask a problem, and artificial reproductive technologies such as IVF to couples with infertility. It can be especially confusing when these treatments conflict with the moral and ethical principles of people and they know of no other options.
It is so important to spread the word so more people can be aware of Creighton. I highly recommend it to my friends and relatives. I also speak at our church's PreCana program regarding Creighton & NaPro so more couples know the truth about what it is and all of its benefits. I would highly recommend it to all couples as a method of family planning, and also an excellent way to monitor a woman's reproductive health- knowing that there are treatments available for a host of abnormalities and issues should they arise. The method and the treatments are scientifically based, extremely well researched, highly effective and do not violate the moral and ethical principles of Catholics or those of any faith.  
If we had not learned the Creighton Model I would never know about the diagnosis of my PCOS and hormonal abnormalities. I know that the treatments we used with NaPro were treating the cause of the problem itself, and restored fertility to enable me and my husband to conceive and have the blessing of our children. What a joy! We are forever grateful to those who have helped us on our journey, and hope that more people become aware of the beautiful truth of Creighton & NaPro!

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