
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How Can a Woman Receive Healing and Recovery After an Abortion?

by Cary Byrd
President and Founder of

Unfortunately, women deciding to have an abortion and later regretting it is something that happens very often in today's world. While it is impossible to go back in time and reverse what has been done, it is possible for women to experience abortion recovery and abortion healing after the procedure has been preformed. The God of all healing and comfort can easily help women in their time of need by easing their pain and sorrow, while at the same time, bringing joy back into their lives.

Unplanned Pregnancy Can Be Scary.

Children are always a gift to be treasured. However, their arrival into this world does not always occur in the most ideal situations. The conception of unwanted children is one of the consequences that people risk occurring when they engage in pre-marital sex. When a pregnancy occurs that is not planned and completely unexpected, it can be a scary ordeal. This is especially true for a person who is not physically, emotionally or financially prepared for the massive responsibility of raising a child on their own. When teenage girls or women decide to get an abortion, it is often because they are vulnerable, desperate, confused or scared. While they are trying to figure out the correct decision, they are often tricked into believing the idea that unborn children are not really human beings at that stage of development. It is only later, after the abortion has been performed, that they realize what a mistake they have made. This manifests itself in the form of depression, guilt and post-abortion stress syndrome. However, abortion recovery and abortion healing can always be achieved.
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