
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Handwriting on the Wall?

A poem by Tom Graffagnino

Watch the blind declaring nonsense,
Shouting “All you need is love!”
Watch them selling “Touchy-Feely”,
While rejecting Truth above.

Watch the darkness now descending,
Watch the spirit-toxin spread….
Watch the current fascination
With the ghoulish, walking dead.

Watch God’s wrath and judgment surface,
For the wickedness on-line,
Watch as man is “given over”
To the reprobating mind.

See the babies in the dumpster,
See the children disengaged…
Watch as lawlessness progresses,
See the fatherless enraged.

Watch as pointlessness finds favor,
Watch pornea taking hold,
Watch as nihilism triumphs,
Then watch boredom take its toll.

Watch the Hollywood illusion
Set the standard for today…
Watch demonic strong delusion
Seek the young, its precious prey.

Watch as sex becomes unbridled,
Watch the nation follow for lies…,
Watch confusion in profusion… ,
Natural order be despised.

Watch the sinful nature blossom,
Watch the Truth go unproclaimed,
Watch the rebel self-destruction,
Watch the devil play his game.

Watch true Hope and reason vanish,
Watch the shooters now increase,
Watch Pandora’s Box flung open,
Watch as chaos swallow peace.

Watch the church diminish scripture,
Watch as shallow teaching’s taught…
Watch the Body slowly wither,
Watch the train wreck that’s been wrought.

Watch the lukewarm getting colder,
Watch the light grow strangely dim,
Watch the gospel compromisers,
Now avoid all talk of sin.

Watch the preachers say “What happened!?”
Watch the culture as it rots….
Watch the Ichabod-Confusion ….
Watch no one connect the dots.

* * * * *

Watch the Scriptures find fulfillment,
Watch prophetic Word unfold….
Hear the Holy Spirit’s message
Of Messiah long foretold.

Lord, give Grace to see the darkness,
Lord, we sense it everywhere!
Help us see the Pride that blinds us…
In this Kingdom of the Air.

Give us Grace to see the darkness,
Help us see it, Lord, within!
Help us see the cross of Jesus,

So we may be born again.

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