
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Support Expectant Parents‏

Do you know someone with Down syndrome? Have you ever thought back to the moment his or her parents found out about the diagnosis? What was that moment like for them?
Down syndrome occurs in approximately 1 out of every 700 births in the United States, and the abortion rates for babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are alarmingly high - estimated at over 90%. Some argue that parents are making this decision because of fear, myths and a lack of education.

Two companion bills are currently being considered in PA that would require doctors to provide information to families who receive a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Facing the prospect of raising a child with Down syndrome may seem overwhelming, and these bills will ensure that those parents are armed with the information and support they need to understand their child's diagnosis.

Send a message TODAY in support of HB 2111/SB 1339, the Down Syndrome Prenatal and Postnatal Education Act.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference is the public affairs arm of Pennsylvania’s Catholic bishops and the Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania. There are 10 Catholic dioceses in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Eight are Latin Rite dioceses, fully contained within the Commonwealth. Two are Byzantine Rite dioceses with Apostolic Sees in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference has set broad objectives and highlighted some particular issues of concern.

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