
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"Of Triumphs and Angels"

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
If I were to land on a deserted island, the first thing I would do would be to fashion a library from the many books I had packed along.
Books bring me comfort, peace, and joy.  So you can imagine my overwhelming
gratitude this week when donors gave us two books for our office library.
The first of these, "Triumph," tells the story of "finding hope in a love that knows no bounds."  The cover displays the initial three letters in the title in blue -- Tri also stands for Trisomy 18. According to the Trisomy 18 Foundation, the condition results from an error in cell division and happens in about 1 in every 2,500 pregnancies in the U.S.  A diagnosis of Trisomy 18 can be a death sentence, since, as author Susan Yurkewicz notes, the condition is often incompatible with life.
I won't spoil the story, so I encourage you to obtain a copy of "Triumph" for yourself, so that you can see how Susan, her husband, and her other children lived out the family motto, "I love you and nothing else matters."  You can learn more about the book here.
The second title to appear in our office this week was a lovely and incredibly profound
children's tale, "Angel in the Waters" by Regina Doman.  This uplifting story chronicles the life of a preborn baby and the baby's trusty angel.  The angel helps prepare the little one for life outside the mother's womb.  "In the other world, there are many things to see and hear, but I will always be with you," the angel explains.
Many times we hear from parents and teachers who are looking for a resource to help teach pre-schoolers and elementary school students to respect life.  "Angel in the Waters" does just that. For more information, click here
Whether you plan a week at the beach or a low-cost "staycation," summer is the perfect time to renew your mind and refresh your soul with a pro-life book.  If you'd like more suggestions, contact me at  But better do so soon!  There's a deserted island I'd like to check out... 

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