
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

SURROGACY: Pride AND Playing God

by Rev Katherine Marple

PRIDE AND PLAYING GOD? Now they call surrogates Breeders and wonder if this will hurt women? How can it not? But the most important part of this story of artificially created children is why America aborts 4K children per day but will pay a surrogate 20-40K to have babies for other people – does pride play a part in being a ‘biological’ parent rather than bringing love and security to a child already born? God brought children into the world to be taken care of by people who cherish His Creation whether they are ‘bios’ or not. Where is the love for ALL children?

“You can’t sell your kidney for profit but you can purchase an egg or sell a child,” she says. “There needs to be more checks and balances……Most of the consideration within surrogacy is toward the adults and what they want. Often, it’s not in the best interests of the children.” Read the rest here.

Surrogates are NOT the savior to a childless couple. Creating designer babies is abominable and a desperate attempt to be AS God.

continue reading at

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