
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

With Pro-Life Waco For #ThePillKills

The Wander On-Line Daily

Americans across the country on June 7 took to the streets to help bring the truth about the dangers of contraception to the rest of the nation. The American Life League’s “The Pill Kills” campaign had an unprecedented number of sponsors — over 60 — among whom were well-known pro-life leaders like ChurchMilitant TV’s Michael Voris, and pro-life blogger Jill Stanek.

 Many of the sponsoring organizations are already part of American Life League’s 120+ Associates who are at the frontlines of the pro-life battle, fighting 365 days a year against the Culture of Death.

 I spent the “Pill Kills” weekend in Texas with ALL Associates Pro-Life Waco as we brought our life-affirming message to one of the busiest intersections in Waco. I was also honored to have been the invited speaker at Pro-Life Waco’s monthly second Sunday pro-life gathering.
I must say that Pro-Life Waco’s John Pisciotta is one of the most committed, selfless, and passionate pro-life warriors out there. After having taught economics at Baylor University for 32 years, Pisciotta now dedicates all of his time in retirement to bringing Planned Parenthood down.

 When he attended a pro-life rally in 1995, Pisciotta knew that he could no longer sit along the sidelines. Planned Parenthood had just opened up a full-service abortion facility earlier that year that brought surgical abortion to Waco.

 Collaborating with a fellow pro-life coordinator, he worked in the Austin, Texas, area. Pisciotta and Barbara Myers started out with a small newsletter that originally went out to only 25 people. Today, Pro-Life Waco has a mailing list of over 600 people in Waco.

 Things became more challenging when Planned Parenthood decided to open up more freestanding abortion mills in the nearby towns of Marlin and Mexia in 2007. This made abortion and contraception distribution more available to women in the area, including two facilities in Waco.

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Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker

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