
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The John Cardinal O’Connor Institute for the Pro-Life Training of the Clergy

The late Cardinal John O’Connor wrote these  words   in July 1990. 

From Father Frank Pavone
National Director
Priests for Life
I’ve sent them to you because they capsulize the reason you are such a fierce pro-life warrior.  You recognize that abortion is an “unspeakable crime” against humanity.  You understand that the child who suffers such excruciating pain during an abortion is your brother or sister. You further understand that, due to its diabolical nature, abortion is destroying the very soul of America and corrupting our entire culture.

It’s also one of the reasons you chose to join the Priests for Life family in the first place.  Namely:

To TRAIN priests and deacons on how to be dynamic preachers of the Gospel of Life, rouse our fellow Catholics from their slumber, prod them into joining us on the front lines of the fight, and help us end the injustice of legalized abortion-on-demand in America.

The name of the program that will do this specialized pro-life training is:

The John Cardinal O’Connor Institute for the Pro-Life Training of the Clergy

As you know, it was the late Cardinal O’Connor who ordained me to the priesthood in 1988.  Five years later, in 1993, he released me to work full-time to train and mobilize the clergy in the defense of life.  He told me that, in his opinion, there was no work in the pro-life movement that was more timely or more important.

Blessed Mother Teresa certainly seemed to agree with Cardinal O’Connor.  In a note she sent back in 1995 she wrote:

Priests for Life needs many members to educate and encourage all the priests and deacons who must all work together to stop the terrible war against unborn children.  Often priests and deacons do not know what to say or do to educate their people about the terrible evil of abortion.  I am praying that those who joined Priests for Life will be able to strengthen and support those priests and deacons who feel unable to lead their people in the struggle against abortion.
You are one of the “many members” Mother spoke about.  You give your all so that Priests for Life can do work you know is important, namely: “To educate and encourage all the priests and deacons.”

From the day you decided to work with Priests for Life to end the crime of abortion in America, you began to “strengthen and support those priests and deacons who feel unable to lead their people in the struggle against abortion.”

You’ve been a faithful member of the Priests for Life family ever since. And why I’m confident you will take ownership of The John Cardinal O’Connor Institute and help make it the hammer which the People of Life will use to crush the abortion industry and bring us closer to the day when we make abortion, not merely illegal, but unthinkable.

That is one of your primary objectives as a disciple of Christ.

It is also the reason Priests for Life exists.

And The John Cardinal O’Connor Institute is going to play a key role in helping both of us fulfill the mission God has called us to.  Two of the many things that the John Cardinal O’Connor Institute will do are:
1. Send out our priests and Pastoral Associates to dioceses all across the country where they will stay for an extended period to: (a) Help train priests and deacons on how to effectively preach the Gospel of Life.  And (b) Meet with local activists and help them carry out their pro-life work.
2. Bring priests and deacons here to our headquarters in Staten Island and train them on how to preach the Gospel of Life, energize the People of Life and get them actively involved in the fight to end abortion.

Based on the depth of your commitment to our work here at Priests for Life and the pro-life movement in general, I’m sure this is music to your ears.

Having a program like this has been a vision of mine for many years. 

But it was only during meetings I had with Mary Ward-Donegan, the late Cardinal O’Connor’s sister that the vision began to take shape in my mind.  Mary was very excited during our meetings and has written a note encouraging you to support this vital new Priests for Life program. 

Well, after many months of hard work and countless hours of planning, The John Cardinal O’Connor Institute is ready to begin its work.
The potential for The John Cardinal O’Connor Institute to play a leading role in our mutual ambition to crush the abortion industry is boundless. But in order for it to fulfill its mission, the Institute must be fully funded.
That’s why I’m coming to you with so much urgency and why I’m asking you to consider making a contribution to Priests for Life.
The gift you make to Priests for Life today will allow us to launch a special project that goes to the heart of our mission and is the very reason for our existence.



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