
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bid To Kill Religious Rights Fails

July 16, 2014
 Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

Bill Donohue comments on the Senate vote held today on the Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act:

The assault on religious liberty lost today as the Senate failed to achieve the 60 votes necessary to advance this bill. While the outcome is welcome, the fact that a majority of Senators, almost all Democrats, are still bent on eviscerating the religious liberty rights of Americans is very disturbing. It seems they will stop at nothing to trample on our First Amendment freedoms.

The vote is being widely misreported by the media as a vote on contraception. It was not. The issue is abortion, not contraception. All four of the procedures that plaintiffs for Hobby Lobby cited in their brief involved at least the possibility that a pregnancy might be terminated; prevention and termination are not identical. Moreover, this company does not object to providing contraceptives. Ergo, attempts to override the high court's decision has nothing to do with contraception.

The lust for abortion is sickening, and the war on religion is equally contemptuous. Outside the Capitol today there were anti-Catholic protesters flagging their signs, "KEEP YOUR ROSARIES OFF MY OVARIES." The bigots were from Code Pink, the far left-wing band of activists. But we won't look for Nancy Pelosi to condemn them, even though she loves to tout what a "devout Catholic" she is.

1 comment:

  1. Note: In the last sentence of this article, Bill Donohue jests about Nancy Pelosi being a 'devout Catholic'. Ms. Pelosi is not a 'devout' Catholic; she is an embarrassment to those of us who actually practice our religion.
    I for one am tired of baby-killing politicians referring to themselves as Catholic or Christian and our religious leaders need to stop letting them refer to themselves as such.
