
Monday, July 28, 2014

Cecile Richards Compares Abortion to Colonoscopies

Cassy Fiano
LiveAction News

Planned Parenthood has been desperate for a long time to make themselves out to be purveyors of women’s health care, when really, their business revolves around — what else? — abortion. Oh, sure, they like to pretend that they care about things besides abortion. They certainly do offer other services, but their own annual report shows that abortion is their bread and butter.
According to their annual report, abortion makes up 94% of their pregnancy “services”, and the number of abortions they performed has increased over the years, while their other health care services have decreased. It’s all about the money for Planned Parenthood, and abortion sure is lucrative. That’s why they have required all Planned Parenthood affiliates to perform abortions, causing them to subsequently lose affiliates that actually did care about health care. What abortion is not, is PR-friendly. People don’t like abortion. So Planned Parenthood has to pretend they actually care about women’s health, even lying about the services they perform. (Remember the mammogram debacle?)
Cassy Fiano is a blogger who lives with her husband, a United States Marine. They have a toddler named Ben, a second son named Wyatt, who has Down syndrome, and a little girl named Ivy.

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