
Monday, July 28, 2014

Diary Of An Unborn Child (video)

A Person Inside the Womb?

From the time of conception in the womb, the child is, not just another part of the mother's tissue, but a separate person. Her body views it as a foreign object. It would be quickly rejected were it not for the "protected world" created in the mother's womb. This new human life—separated from the mother by protective housing—is a person with a unique DNA fingerprint.

Some argue that a woman's body spontaneously aborts many fertilized eggs because of abnormalities, so why shouldn't a doctor be able to abort a pregnancy? Yet, there is a big difference between spontaneous death and deliberate homicide. In one South American country, 71 out of 1,000 children die within their first year. But just because so many die prematurely, would it be acceptable to kill a child under the age of one? Of course not!

Significantly, the Bible describes a human life as existing in the womb. The psalmist David wrote concerning God: "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing." (Psalm 139:16) David does not simply say "an embryo" but "the embryo of ME," thus accurately revealing that David's life began when he was conceived, long before his birth. Under inspiration by God, David also revealed that at conception the development of his body parts was according to a plan, or detailed 'written' instructions, which made him the person he was.

Please note also that the Bible does not say that a woman conceives a piece of tissue. Instead, it states: "An able-bodied man has been conceived!" (Job 3:3) This too indicates that according to the Bible, a child exists as a person from the time of his conception. Yes, that is when human life begins.

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