
Thursday, July 31, 2014

DOH Finds Pa.'s 2nd Largest Abortion Chamber Violating State Law‏

From Mike McMonagle, President 
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

This link  will take you to a story by Eric Scheidler written and posted in on the January 30, 2014 DOH inspection report
of the Philadelphia Women's Center abortion chamber, which is the
second largest child killing center in our state. (here is another link to the article) This report
revealed a serious violation of our state's informed consent law,
i.e., photocopying the physician's signature. Under Act 122, which
became effective on June 20, 2012, the Pa. DOH has the authority to
revoke the license of this abortion chamber for this violation. 

We should consider possible actions in court, with members of the Pa. General Assembly, and with members of Gov. Corbett's Administration, to respond to this report. Please recall that an August 2013 DOH inspection report on PP's center-city Philadelphia abortion chamber (which is the largest child killing center in our state) revealed that PP routinely violates our state's child abuse reporting laws.

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