
Saturday, August 2, 2014

New Report Details YOUR #ProLife Legislative Successes

From Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life
Once a year, our team of legal experts provides me with a report on the successes of our life-saving legislation. This year's report was just placed on my desk – and I want to share it with you.
As you know, we have witnessed incredible pro-life momentum over the last few years. However 2014 was notable for the successful implementation of AUL’s innovative Women’s Protection Project (WPP), the legal “blueprint” for protecting women and their unborn children from a largely unregulated, unrestricted, and unrepentant abortion industry, more concerned with increasing its profits than in safeguarding women’s health and safety.
In fact, it is the mother-child strategy exemplified in our Women’s Protection Project that is at the heart of the pro-life movement’s resounding legislative successes beginning in 2011 and continuing in 2014.
Notably, in just the last four years, AUL and our sister organization, AUL Action, have helped enact 74 life-affirming measures, fully one-third of all the protective measures enacted since 2010.
Americans United for Life (AUL) is the legal architect of the pro-life movement. We are accumulating victories, building momentum, and advancing a culture of life in America. Our vision is a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law. The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life since 1971. 
Use this link to make a tax deductable donation to Americans United for Life.  Your ongoing support enables us to meet the challenges to building a culture of life. From new legislative initiatives that protect human life to defending those laws in court, Americans United for Life is the nation's leader in helping ensure that every human being is welcomed in life and protected in law. If you live outside the United States, please contact to make a contribution online.

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