
Sunday, August 3, 2014

TODAY Show's Pro-life Surprise‏

From Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List 

We in the pro-life movement have long known there is no difference between the humanity of an unborn baby and a newborn. Inside the womb or out, a baby is a human worthy of life.

But as you know, the pro-abortion lobby and mainstream media try to dehumanize the unborn baby, pretending the unique human life in the womb is just another part of the mother’s body, easily discarded via abortion.

So it was enormously refreshing this morning to watch the TODAY Show affirm the humanity of the unborn child in their segment “The Secret Lives of Babies.” As soon as I watched it I knew I had to share it with you and every SBA List member. (See video below)

On the show Dr. Bill Fifer, an expert on fetal learning, says,“Everything that a newborn baby does, a fetus has…done already.” Science affirms what the pro-life movement has always known: there is no difference between the humanity of an unborn baby and a newborn.

The entire TODAY Show segment was a beautiful window into the womb. But it was about halfway through the video when I really caught my breath – at 1:35 Dr. Fifer explains that babies at 12 weeks “are exquisitely able to sense information over all parts of their body, although some are more sensitive than others – around the mouth, around the feet, around the hands.”

That’s right. The TODAY Show proclaimed to millions of viewers that unborn babies can feel pain as early as 12 weeks of pregnancy. Just like when TIME Magazine featured extremely premature babies on their front cover, this TODAY Show segment is a powerful sign that Americans know unborn babies feel pain and want to defend them from excruciatingly painful abortions.

Science has created a breathtaking window into the womb. This generation has been called the “ultrasound generation;” our youth have seen their unborn brothers and sisters and are passionate to defend them. 

The abortion lobby cannot win. American voters, with this picture of a learning, moving, feeling unborn baby in their hearts, will kick out Obama’s pro-abortion allies in Congress this November and elect pro-life leaders who will defend unborn children.

Onward to victory!

Unborn babies feel the excruciating pain of abortion. Please donate now to help your SBA List kick out the pro-abortion Senate majority that refuses to protect these babies.
Sen. Mitch McConnell has promised that if he becomes Senate Majority Leader in November he will bring up the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act for a vote! Current Majority Leader Harry Reid has callously blocked this life-saving bill for over a year. Donate now to kick him out of power.   

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