
Monday, August 18, 2014

Late-term Abortionist Martin Haskell Ordered to Close his Clinic

From Cassy Fiano
Live Action News

Notorious late-term abortionist Martin Haskell has been battling to keep his Ohio abortion clinic open, and last Friday, a judge ordered Haskell to close his clinic for good. He has five days to file an appeal, or he will be forced to close his doors permanently.
According to Life News, the state of Ohio has been slowly making that all abortion clinics were in compliance with the law since 1999, as many of them were not operating legally according to Ohio standards. Haskell has therefore been off the hook for 15 long years. Yesterday’s ruling ensures that one less abortionist will be able to flout basic health and safety laws.
Haskell’s clinic has seen numerous emergencies, and one of Haskell’s doctors was barred from practicing obstetrics in Kentucky. Haskell is most infamous, however, for pioneering the grisly partial-birth abortion technique, eventually banned in 2003.
Cassy Fiano is a blogger who lives with her husband, a United States Marine. They have a toddler named Ben, a second son named Wyatt, who has Down syndrome, and a little girl named Ivy.

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