
Monday, August 18, 2014

They Want to Amend the Constitution So You Can’t Defend the Unborn

From Carol Tobias,
National Right to Life President
Unborn babies have no voice of their own. They depend on you and me to be their voice.
Until now, the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has guaranteed that we as American citizens can be that voice – for the unborn or for any other cause we believe in.
But no more, at least not if pro-abortion Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has his way.
Reid has called a Senate vote on September 8th on a constitutional amendment that will fundamentally rip apart Americans’ hallowed right to free speech.
S.J. Res. 19 would give Congress or the states the power to prohibit groups like NRLC from communicating with the public about any matter legislators think might “influence elections,” no matter how indirectly. Alerts, scorecards of votes, and legislative reports to the public could be banned. Another provision could restrict the right of private citizens to spend their own money to express their views on public policy issues.
In practice, that means what you can and can’t say, and through which channels you can say it, would be decided by politicians, the courts, and a whole new class of government speech police. This must have James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution,” rolling in his grave.

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