
Monday, August 18, 2014


From Bill Donohue
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

Bill Donohue comments on the August 15 episode of “The Knick,” a Cinemax TV show (the parent company is Time Warner):
Sister Harriet, a nurse who runs an orphanage, visits an Irish Catholic woman, Nora, who wants an abortion. The woman doesn’t want her husband to find out.
  • Sister Harriet: “Your husband will know nothing of it. I promise.”
  • Nora: “Will God forgive me? I don’t want to go to hell for killing a baby.”
  • Sister Harriet: “He knows that you suffered. I believe the Lord’s compassion will be yours.” [The audience is led to believe that the nun performs the abortion.]
It is no secret that Hollywood is a big pro-abortion town, but to depict a nun who performs an abortion is a new low.
The only saving grace in this episode is the real-life recognition of the woman who is about to have the abortion: she admits that her baby is going to be killed.
Please contact Time Warner communications Senior VP Keith Cocozza: to voice your outrage. 

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