
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Abortion Activist Says Killing Newborns May Be Justifiable

BY: Stephen Gutowski
The Washington Free Beacon  

While putting on a demonstration at Ohio State University a pro-life group called Created Equal was confronted by an abortion rights counter-protester.

In a video posted to YouTube (see below) on Sept. 26, the abortion-rights advocate told the pro-life group she couldn’t say for sure whether killing a baby two minutes after its birth is always wrong.

“I have no idea what medical necessities or medical issues would arise that would necessitate that,” the woman said according to Life News.

But the pro-life advocates with Created Equal saw that pro-abortion argument taken to the next level when they visited Ohio State University. There, one abortion activist said she saw no problem with infanticide, saying there may be medical cases that require killing a newborn baby after birth.
“You’re asking me whether I blanketly believe it’s wrong to kill a newborn baby after that baby’s been taken from it’s mother’s womb,” a protester to Created Equal’s outreach at Ohio State University asks pro-lifers in a newly-released video clip. She continues, “And I’m saying to you I have no idea what medical necessities or medical issues would arise that would necessitate that.”
Pro-life activists say the woman’s support for infanticide is not surprising.
Mark Harrington, director of the pro-life group, told Life News in response: “Why would this defender of abortion refuse to condemn killing babies after birth? Because she knows there is no morally relevant difference between a child immediately before and after birth. Thus, if it were acceptable to kill her inside the womb, it would also be permissible afterward.”

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