
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Great News from Mexico City! A Life was Saved....

From Shawn Carney, Campaign Director
40 Days for Life Campaign

The abortion crisis takes more lives globally than war and disease combined. The numbers can be overwhelming ... so the solution must start with prayer. 

As 40 Days for Life continues to grow, faithful people in new countries are taking a leap of faith and bringing this campaign to their nations. The languages are different, but the message is the same: “Pray and fast for an end to abortion.” 
There’s great news from Lourdes, who is coordinating the first-ever 40 Days for Life vigil in Mexico City.
“A life was saved!” she said.
Vigil participants watched as a couple entered the facility. A few minutes later, the young woman ran out in tears. “The girl was so sad and had panic on her face,” Lourdes said. “That touched all of the volunteers.”

The man really wanted her to go back inside – in fact, he said she had to go back in for the abortion. His whole attitude changed when one of the volunteers said, “That child is also yours.”
The couple then walked away … and never went back in!

There are vigils at 297 locations in 13 countries! Find the one nearest you … and get involved!

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