
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Biting Their Own Tails


By Eric Metaxas

Certain worldviews lead to contradictions so absurd you’d laugh -- if the cost weren’t measured in lives. There’s one contradiction I find particularly shocking.

Long-time listeners to BreakPoint will know that my colleagues and I consider the sanctity of life a global issue. Not only is abortion an injustice no matter where it takes place, but the social disasters wrought by killing millions of babies in the womb are hard to imagine. Nowhere is this truer than in China, where the government’s infamous one-child policy has snuffed out a generation of girls and left a gender imbalance probably without precedent in human history.

Chillingly, on this year’s 34th anniversary of the policy’s enactment, 34 million Chinese boys face the fact that they’ll never find wives, because those women were simply never born.

The reason the policy has had such a disproportionate impact on the sexes there is simple: in China, as in most traditional Asian cultures, male children are more highly prized than females. Thus, if the government says you can only have one child, most Chinese parents prefer a boy, who will carry on their family name and legacy.

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