
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Election 2014: A Study in Contrasts‏

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative/PAC Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

The portrait of the November election is a study in contrasts, beginning with the Governor's race.

Republican Governor Tom Corbett signed into law a landmark abortion center regulation bill, which ensures that abortion facilities follow the safety standards of outpatient surgery centers.  He also helped enact House Bill 818, which means that no taxpayer funding of abortion will occur in the health insurance exchange created in Pennsylvania under Obamacare.  GOP Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley supported both measures.
In contrast, Democratic Gubernatorial challenger Tom Wolf has the stamp of approval from the pro-abortion PAC known as NARAL, as well as Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion operation.  NARAL and Planned Parenthood support abortion for any reason -- or no reason -- during all nine months of pregnancy.  NARAL and Planned Parenthood also oppose common sense abortion regulations and bans on taxpayer funding of abortion.  Democratic Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack, who once touted being pro-life, now has Planned Parenthood's pro-abortion stamp of approval.  In fact, a recent photograph shows him literally taking a bow at a Planned Parenthood event. (See it here.)
Meanwhile, a number of legislative candidates also have the backing of Planned Parenthood, which goes well beyond planning parenthood to promoting and providing abortion on demand. 
Get to know the candidates.  If you cannot find out their stands, call them and ask them.  The public has a right to know, especially on critical life-and-death issues. 

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