
Friday, November 14, 2014

Additional Evidence that Sex-Selective Abortions far More Widespread than Commonly Thought

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life News Today

When pro-lifers—and even some pro-choicers—try to do something about sex-selective abortions, the refrain is that there are no abortions taking place based on a preference for boys over girls. When the evidence is produced, opponents switch gears: it’s “racist” or sexist to point to the demographic data that such gender-specific abortions are a feature of some cultures that historically have had a strong preference for boys.

There is an ongoing and ever-more intense debate in Great Britain, fueled by an uncover investigation by the Daily Mail that conclusively demonstrated that there are abortionists who will abort when told the mother wants a boy rather than a girl. Last week the House of Commons voted to “clarify” that it is not legal under the 1967 Abortion Act to abort a child on the basis of gender.

Just prior to last week’s debate, the Daily Mail reported that an Oxford University study demonstrates that whereas the overall ratio for women of all backgrounds is 104 boys to 100 girls, the ratio for Indian mothers having their third child was 114 boys to 100 girls.

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