
Thursday, November 13, 2014

C-FAM Exclusive: UNICEF Denies Sneaking Birth Control Into Tetanus Vaccines

By Stefano Gennarini, J.D.
C-Fam's Friday Fax
Center for Family and Human Rights

NEW YORK, November 14 (C-Fam) In an exclusive interview with C-Fam’s Friday Fax, UNICEF denies allegations from the Catholic bishops of Kenya that a tetanus vaccine program in their country sponsored by the UNICEF and WHO is a covert population control program.

The UN agencies issued a joint statement this week in which they accuse Kenyan bishops of spreading “misinformation” and making grave allegations “not backed up by evidence.”

The bishops of Kenya are campaigning against a special neo-natal tetanus vaccine program for women of childbearing age sponsored by the agencies, calling it a “disguised population control program”, and urging Kenyans to use only routine tetanus treatments that are widely available.

According to the bishops, four separate laboratory tests of the actual vaccine found it contained a hormone (Beta-hCG) that prevents implantation, possibly leading to multiple miscarriages and even infertility. The bishops say they felt they must warn the public when the government failed to comply.

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